Multi-modal Autoencoders

Autoencoders are hourglass-shaped neural networks that are trained to reconstruct the input data after passing it through a bottleneck layer. Thereby, autoencoders learn an efficient lower dimension representation of high-dimensional data, a “latent factor” representation of the data. The Multi-modal autoencoders take data from different modalities and learn latent factor representations of the data. In the figure below, the direction of data flow is left to right. The three different-colored matrices on the left represent data from three different modalities. The three matrices on the right represent the reconstruction of the input data, and the mixed-color matrix on the bottom represents the latent factor view of the data.


Integration Autoencoder

Variational Autoencoders

Maui uses a Variational Autoencoder, which means it learns a bayesian latent variable model. This is achieved by minimizing the following loss function:

\(\mathcal{L} = -\mathbf{E}_{q(z|x)}\big[ log(p(x|z)) \big] + D_{KL}\big( q(z|x)~\|~p(z) \big)\)

The first term represents the cross-entropy reconstruction loss, and the second term is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the latent factors distribution and a gaussian prior \(p(z)\).

Stacked Autoencoders

As the figure above indicates, it is possible to insert extra layers between the input and the bottleneck layers, and between the bottleneck and the output layers. This is sometimes called stacked autoencoders. The Maui Class allows this architecture to be varied when instantiating the model, using the n_hidden parameter. The n_latent parameter determines the size of the bottleneck layer (latent factor layer).

maui_model = maui.Maui(n_hidden=[900], n_latent=70)

instantiates a Maui model with one hidden layer with 900 units, and 70 units in the bottleneck layer, while

maui_model = maui.Maui(n_hidden=[1300, 900], n_latent=60)

will instantiate a maui model with two hidden layers with 1300 and 900 units, respectively.